Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Progressive Care Certification Nurse Certification: Exam Certification is a thill per minute.

Yeah, I'm studying for the darn thing. I took a great review course for the PCCN through my workplace and I'm taking the exam very shortly. I'm choosing not to say the exact day. Only my boss and mother know for sure; that way, it's less pressure :)

What is Progressive Care Certification? It's administered by the American Association of Critical Care Nurses, of which I am a member. They administer the CCRN certification and when I pass this exam I'll have the "PCCN" designation after my name and I'll be all sorts of smart. I hope. Progressive care is what's commonly called "step-down" unit in a hospital. It's a unit between the ICU and a regular med/surg floor. These are people who are not quite sick enough to be in ICU, but too sick to be on the regular floor. So, they're "progressing". :)

The review book I'm using is PCCN Certification Review by Ann J. Brorsen, RN, MSN, PHN, CCRN, CEN and Keri Rogelet, RN, MSN, MBA, CCRN. It's quite thorough and it was the only one recommended to me by my course instructor. It comes with a CD that has a ton of test questions for the exam certification. I've been trying to do about 25-50 per day. I'm really going to bump it up now since the exam time is drawing closer.

Why get certified? For me, it's a challenge. I'm a geek and I like to learn. Plus, I grew up with parents who had lots of professional certifications (Dad: CPA, MBA. Mom: RN, BA, MBA, EIEIO...Just kidding) and to me that kind of knowledge and credentialing says something. It proves motivation.

Nursing is always changing. Hell, life is always changing. I challenge you, friend, whatever your area of nursing may be, to find out what certification is available in it and see what it takes to obtain it this year. Who knows? You'll learn a lot and you might have fun doing it! Plus you can get new business cards printed!


  1. Thanks! The PCCN has such a cardiac emphasis, and it's the hardest part for me :P
